Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Scarf anyone?

With all of this free time on my hands I'm attempting to embrace my crafty side. When I did my first t-shirt scarf a couple of days ago my husband said "Hmm... Maybe you are crafty like the rest of your family." (stink eye given in response). I guess his reason for saying that has something to do with the last time I was staying with my grandmother who was trying to teach me to embroider, needless to say when I left there we were both wondering if I were truly her granddaughter (in that sense only, it's her not so glorious traits that I inherited).  I read on another blog recently there are those who are crafty and those who desperately want to be well I am a member the the latter group. But I'm trying to prove myself (and my husband) wrong! Bare with me.

All you will need for this scarf is an old t-shirt (the bigger the better) and scissors.....that's it! Oh and fingers. I'm not going to post step by step directions but I will post pics and link you to the tutorial I used.

It's super easy and super cute if I do say so myself. I will offer a couple of suggestions:

1.If you have a jealous dog like I do....give him a bone to chew on so he is busy and you can work faster.

2. I bought my t-shirts at Goodwill, they had a wide variety of colors and sizes (I tried to buy mostly 2 XL) however these ratty old t-shirts were $3.50 each....ehhh I wasn't impressed. But because I really wanted to try it I splurged. You can probably buy them new for less than that and not have to wonder where they've been.

3. Make sure your shirts have no side seams, the first one I made did and it wasn't pretty. What I have found out is ALL of Old Navy's t-shirts have side seams so rule them out now.

4. Make it your own, use different colors or paint or anything. Mine is plain jane because well...I'm kinda plain jane.

Now that you have wasted your time reading all of this here you can read it from someone who actually knows what they're doing:

I have links to other scarves I plan to try next so stay tuned. Let me know if you have any questions.


  1. Very cool! I've actually never seen these before. And I like the way it looks on! very crafty!

  2. Make a bunch of them and sell them on ebay! New business! Nicely done. --Deb
