Today we celebrated Ike's birthday. Technically, he is 2 (we think) but we are just celebrating our first year with him. We actually don't know his technical birthday and the anniversary of the day we got him was actually a couple of weeks ago. But
I stopped by our awesome pet store in town today to pick up some toys and knee caps for my little man and decided today would be a great day to celebrate. His gifts included: a duck, a raccoon, a kong filled with peanut butter and of course the knee caps. Oh and we had cake!
I added his name in chocolate chips myself. |
You know how people dedicate certain blog posts to their children, especially on their birthdays. It's kind of cool actually; their kids can read it one day as a love letter to them. Well that's my approach to this post for Ike. I spent the better part of my phone convo with my sister today trying to convince her that we have no proof at all that dogs can't read. So for you dear Ikey, my stinka....
The gushing: I love this little guy so much. He is the light of my life. I will argue with anyone who would tell me that I could love a kid more. I don't think it's possible. He is so loving and sweet. He never gets mad at me, even when I am gone all day. He is the best cuddle buddy. Oh and he's brilliant. He plays with himself and entertains Drew and I both constantly. He always greets me at the door, jumping as high as he can because he's excited to see me. He's a mama's boy and doesn't listen to a word his daddy says. He loves people. We go to the dog park and he wants to say hi to every being on 2 legs there. He's an attention hog and loves to be petted. He likes to chew on sticks and water bottles. He loves scrambled eggs and waffles. He sighs so contently when Drew and I are both finally home and sitting on the couch. He stays right by my side and never has to be leashed or tied up. He would sun-bathe on the patio all day if I would let him. He has more personality than most people I know. He winks at me. If this sweet baby didn't shed I would not hesitate in calling him perfect.
God knew what he was doing when he told us to go to the shelter that day. He has been the biggest blessing to both of us. Even as I sit here and type he got up out of bed to come sit up with me.
What a sweet boy. And P.S. in case you were wondering I do not think he is ugly. There have been some misconceptions about this. I think he is the most handsome puppy I know. And if you feel the need to tell me he's ugly, then after this post you should know how I will feel about you.
Hallelujah and amen.
Also Ike requested I give a shout-out to his favorite aunt, Salty dog.
Haha, I love this Meghan!! I completely understand. ;) My fur babies have replaced my real children. :) ~Gina