Monday, June 10, 2013

A Documentary Summer

Today is a sad day. Today our DishNetwork is being turned off (yes I just got up to go check if it had happened yet). No more wasting days watching Gilmore Girls, Sex and the City and Friends.....which is precisely why we don't need to pay $80 a month for TV because all I do is watch re-runs which we can do on Netflix for a fraction of the price (nevermind that I own every season of Gilmore Girls on DVD).

It was my idea to get rid of our Dish and because Drew never actually figured out how to work it he was far from opposed.
When he called the Dish to cancel it at the end of our contract, I guess it's a requirement that they ask why.
Drew's PC response: We want to read more.
Dish Lady: Well that's a very lofty goal but most people find that to be difficult. 

That has absolutely cracked me up.
As difficult as it may be, I think we will make it.

Onto the point of the story: My summer classes end in two weeks and then I'll be blessed with free time to read watch TV in other forms so I'm looking for a list of documentaries that you love. But I'm not just begging here, I'm going to share my list with you too:

The Last Mountain is about MTR in Appalachia.  Disclaimer: If you support it, this documentary isn't for you.

The Color of Fear....which I can't find online but maybe your public library has it.
It may be one of the most powerful documentaries I've seen, it is about a group of men and their struggles with people of other races. It is uncomfortable to watch but honest and moving.

When the Levees Broke... Katrina. I cried from beginning to end and it's a long-ass documentary.

Both of the next two are made by Appalshop which you can rest assured will always do a good job.
Stranger With a Camera
Whippin' the Devil

Born Into Brothels follows children born into the red-light district in Calcutta. They are given the opportunity to take pictures and learn the trade of photography.

Waiting for Superman I have some issues with the way this documentary portrays teachers but I like the overall theme that the system is broken. I don't support the charter school movement but I do support informing people of the injustices in the current education system.

So that's my limited list. I'm looking for deep cuts. I have a whole summer ahead of me people. My interests vary widely so don't hesitate to give me your suggestions.

All of these might be good too. I only watched 3 of them before having to return them to the library. They really don't give you enough time...and now I owe them money.


  1. I love documentaries!! Recently watched Nefarious: Merchant of Souls...OMG. Horrifying, but so good. Definitely recommend. Also loved Trouble the Waters (regarding Katrina) and The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia was properly horrifying/traumatizing...I watch The High Cost of Low Prices every other year or so. THat's a short list off the top of my head, but I'll keep you posted as I think of more!! :)

  2. Kudos to you for getting rid of your satellite!! If I weren't so addicted to my sports I would love to, not that Tim would let me because he is just addicted! :P We love documentaries too though. Of course I am having a hard time remembering any right now though. I loved The Last Mountain too. ;) Like the comment above I love The High Cost of Low Prices too and feel bad shopping at the Wally World until I get the receipt. :/ One we watched recently was on PBS called "Seeking Asian Female." I guess the Reds were losing one night and we started flipping the channels and found it. It was interesting. We used to know someone that married a "mail order bride" from Lithuania (remind me to tell you who their daughter is next time you see me)so we kept thinking about them. Seth watches a lot too but one I remember him telling me about was about basketball players from Africa. I looked it up and it is called Elevate. Keep sharing yours. I know I should have already watched the Appalshop ones because my mom worked over there for WMMT and seriously, I think I actually OWN the one about Guy Roberts and haven't ever watched it. :/ ~Gina

  3. Whoops. Wrong link.

  4. I love documentaries! Some of my faves are Business of Being Born, Forks over Knives, No Impact Man, King Corn, First Position, and Grizzly Man. Let me know if you watch any that are amazing!
