Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Opening My Eyes

On our way camping last weekend we made a pit stop for dinner at Sheetz. We ate at a table outside with Ike under the table begging for french fries. She sat at the next table. Smoking her cigarette and fighting back tears. I wanted to offer to buy her dinner but I was afraid of insulting her (I'm full of excuses like that).

Finally, she spoke. She said Ike was cute and asked what kind of dog he was. That was all I needed, the door opened. We talked about our beautiful state, visiting relatives at the cemetery and our pets.

We were almost finished eating and I didn't want to leave. I asked her if she'd had dinner. She responded no and I took her inside where she asked me if she could get the bigger sandwich. I wished at that moment I could buy her a lifetime supply of the "bigger sandwich." I couldn't leave until I was sure she was squared away for the next several meals.

She cried like a child when we left, she told me not to work too hard when I started teaching and that she had had a nervous breakdown years ago while working multiple jobs. And just like that.....

I insisted on not stopping anywhere to eat except Sheetz, we held out 2 hours to stop for that reason. When we left there I told Drew that I had a feeling that something like that would happen. I'm glad I didn't listen to him when he wanted to stop sooner or listen to the voice of reason that said, drive on and you can eat when you get where you're going.

This, my friends, is how I know God is real. As soon as she sat down across from us I was reminded of my calling. But I was still scared. If she hadn't spoken first would I have done anything except give a friendly smile?

How many times have I ignored that still small voice and not been obedient or aware. All it takes is opening my eyes. When I am conscious in driving around town, eating out, grocery shopping, etc. I see so many opportunities to be Jesus to someone but sometimes I'm distracted. Sometimes I'm tired. And frankly, sometimes I'm selfish.

Jesus help me remember why I'm here.


  1. Chills. This is beautiful, girl. Thankful for your obedience and your heart.

  2. The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’ (Matt. 25:40) Well done Meghan. :) Thanks for the reminder. ~Gina

  3. Your blog posts like this never fail to make me cry. This really was inspiring to read.
