Monday, July 22, 2013

"Christianity is best when it is humble."

"So the litmus test of whether or not something is Christian is the question, Does it look more and more like Jesus? There are some folks who would say they are Christian but they are looking less and less like Jesus. And there are some folks who would never claim to be Christian, yet their hearts and their passions are slowly moving closer and closer to Jesus' heart. It's up to God to sort all that out. Being more like Jesus is what we are trying to do as Red Letter Christians; it's where we're coming from, and where we're going."

Sometimes I worry. I worry that I've gone too far beyond what anyone I grew up with would consider "okay." My beliefs about Jesus are simply not what they used to be. They've come so far that I worry that I've gotten way off track. That because I know almost no one who feels the way I do about most things that I must be wrong. And even sometimes that I need to get back to my fundamentalist roots.

But that's the thing, once you see Jesus the way I see him, there's no going back. I hold the book Red Letter Revolution and I cry over it. Every time. Thanking God that he showed me I'm not alone. That there are people who believe that Jesus meant exactly what he said and they are living it every day. Unafraid.

People who believe that the church has lost sight of what it's call is but that it isn't beyond saving. People who are not just waiting on Jesus' return but are actively living like him until he comes back.
People who believe in community. People who are concerned about the American flag sitting at the fronts of our churches. People who aren't afraid to have dialogue on topics like: immigration, Islam, women in ministry, war, civil disobedience, environmentalism, the Saints, Israel and homosexuality.

It's nice to find that I'm not alone in my beliefs but more importantly it's nice to know that many of my convictions line up with Jesus' teachings in ways I had never even thought of.

 I challenge those of you who have never missed a Sunday to pick up this book and walk away unchanged. But I also encourage those of you who can't recall the last time you went to church to let the red letters determine your interpretation of Jesus rather than what churches say. The Bible is the best place to start but if you need a little guidance, this book will help.

Order Red Letter Revolution here.

And if I'd really listened to Jesus' words all along I shouldn't have been worried.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6: 34


  1. I think I would probably love that book. And also...we are very much alike. Why do you have to live so dang far away?
