I missed some program training back in May that I had to make up for this summer. One of the assignments involved me describing how I would make the transition from student to professional.
I don't suspect it will be too difficult, I have been a professional in a previous life and feel pretty certain I can pull it off again. However, this time is a little more sensitive. I'll have to be conscious of dressing appropriately while dealing with teenage boys. I'll have to hide my little wrist décor. I'll need to buy some more comfy shoes. And lastly, I'll have to adjust my social networking life which means doing away with my Facebook.
Obviously, I won't be able to talk about my experiences here or on any other social network but I can limit what my students will have access to and until I get a big girl job I've decided to do away with Facebook and make my twitter and Instagram private. I will still keep the blog public but will probably be a bit more candid.
I know many of my readers rely on Facebook links to reach my blog but I hope you can bookmark me or follow my blog a different way to keep reading. I'm so grateful for the readers I have and I'd hate to lose you all because I no longer have Facebook. If you have any questions for how to do that I'd be happy to help you out.
Classes start again in two weeks and I'm pumped to be back in the classroom but this time in both capacities as student and teacher.
I've also come up with the brilliant idea of taking pictures of myself in all of my different clothing options and cataloging them so I don't waste time worrying about what to wear. It will be a big task but Drew has agreed to help me. I can't wait to share with you how smoothly that goes.
If Facebook is my only means of contact with you please email me: meghanemh@gmail.com so we have a way to stay in touch!
getting rid of Facebook??! THE HORROR!!!