Saturday, August 6, 2011

Clearly I have neglected this thing since starting work but as I told my aunt when she asked about it: payroll is not very exciting to blog about. But I do enjoy my work, for now I'm still in Roanoke but am okay with that. Drew goes back to school in two weeks and that will be the true test, becoming the bread-winner of our household, a feminist woman's dream. HA! I guess I can do it for one year if I expect him to do it for the rest of our life. Hopefully I will be back in school this time next year. *fingers crossed*

Drew and I have talked a lot about where we will go after he graduates (which may seem crazy since we have just barely gotten settled here) but we do have to think ahead in order for him to apply for jobs after graduation. We both want desperately to go back home but I'm not sure that's an option right away. I plan to enjoy Blacksburg while we are here but it's not for forever. There's a whole wide world out there but we can't seem to get our minds off of southwest Virginia.

Even being three hours away from my parent's front door, I'm still getting made fun of for my accent. The words I seem to have a problem with: wipe, ice, and oil. I'm sure there is a much longer list but those are the ones that stick out right now. I love my accent but I will be the first to admit sometimes it's a little strong but I hope I never lose it.

I know this is a sorry excuse for a blog update but it's the best I can do. And I just found out my sister's boyfriend was named after this amazing Elton John song.

Jesus Never Fails.

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