I get it, our area is not booming with opportunity but let's be straight it is what you make of it. If I lived my life in the interest of fame and fortune it would not be the place to be. But my desire in life is to help people and surround myself with those I love and lucky for me that place has always been Pound, VA.
Anyway, I believe the exact quote said to me went something like this "Just do me a favor and don't move too close to Wise County. Just think of all of the opportunities you missed growing up there." Drew later told me I had smoke coming out of my ears. I just don't see all of the opportunity I missed. I attended two different colleges and received a bachelor's degree all while living at home and without having to leave Wise County. That seems like a pretty good opportunity to me.
That is, if you define opportunity in the form of academia. Now let's talk about a different kind of opportunity...the opportunity to join a gang, engage in violence or feel unsafe? Yes those are all opportunities Wise County robbed me of. Does that somehow make me inferior to you because I was sheltered from all of those things? I say no.
I enjoy being able to go to the grocery store and recognize every single person I see. I like feeling absolutely 100% safe leaving my home and car unlocked. I would like the idea of sending my children to school knowing the teachers that they will be spending their day with.
I have come to a harsh conclusion, I don't mean to single any one person out because I have several examples. If you grew up in Wise County and detest it or think you are better than it, then you are not proud of what you did while you were there. It is a small area and bad news travels fast so that's why I say those who have mostly negative things to say about it have something they are hiding from there. This may not be true in every case but I have a pretty long list of examples.
I cannot say with absolute certainty that Drew and I will end up in Wise County again but if the wind does blow us there I for one will be "tickled the shit out of "as my papaw would have said. I have such pride in being an Appalachian and I don't see how anyone who grew up there could feel any differently.
Hope I didn't step on too many toes but it has been one comment after another from locals lately and I had heard enough.
Jesus never fails.
oh sister.....how i love you :)