Friday, January 13, 2012

"... And some of the things folks do is nice, and some ain't, but that's as far as any man got a right to say."

Oh The Grapes of Wrath how you spoke to me. Close to 600 pages that just ripped my heart out. It was so real and I had to take a couple of days away from it because it got too real. It wasn't a Nicholas Sparks book that set out to see how much it could make you cry, it was real raw lives and that's why I loved it (and also why I don't care for Mr. Sparks). And here come all of the girls of Wise County with pitch forks for that comment.....

Much has changed in my life since my last post and all of it for the better, I believe. I am no longer employed (but not on the draw yet, ha!) and Drew has accepted a job in Birmingham, Alabama to start in June. I won't get into all of the details of the story surrounding me quitting my job but I will just say I wasn't happy. And concerning Alabama many seem to be so surprised that I am excited about it. I guess those who know me shouldn't be because I have always wanted to go deeper South to study so now I am preparing for grad school, hopefully at UAB.

Drew and I have gone back and forth many-a-time about where we want to be after he graduates. It hasn't always been a fun topic (especially when it came time to discuss it with my mother) but we are excited to see where our lives will take us. Personally I'm hoping we will win that HGTV dream home and end up in Utah. Although Utah opens up a whole new debate between Drew and I because he would need to get a few more wives to help me clean that place. I have said it before and will say it again, I have strong roots to the Appalachian region but there are so many other things I want to experience and am grateful to have a husband crazy enough to follow me wherever I go. However I guess technically I'm following him since he's the one with the job, all of my "experiences" will require funding I suppose.

Another important event in my life has been that my computer finally gave up the ghost so I'm hoping to get a new one that will inspire me to blog everyday. Okay not that much but a lot more. And lucky for all of you dear readers I have lots to say.

Jesus Never Fails.

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