Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sweet Virginia

Drew and I just returned from an amazing short weekend only a short hour drive up the road. I saw a flyer at the Blacksburg Community Center recently about a wine tasting at Wilderness Adventure. I did a little research on the place and thought it looked pretty cool. The place is in New Castle, Virginia (population 153 in the 2010 census). The town is very cute but the mountains out there are beautiful. We invited our friends David and Emily and made plans.

Drew and I left early Saturday and went on beyond New Castle to what is called Paint Bank. (Doesn't even sound real does it?) Drew used to go hunting there when he was younger and was very excited to go back. There is an adorable little General Store there as soon as you get into the town.

Inside the store there is the Swinging Bridge Restaurant. The reason it's called that is because.....there's a swinging bridge inside.

The restaurant had so much character and the people there were quite friendly. Did I mention this restaurant is right next to a buffalo farm and they serve buffalo? Drew had a buffalo burger for lunch (I stuck with my bar-b-q chicken).

There were some big ass buffalo there and after one charged at Drew, we knew it was time to go. But look at those mountains, beautiful!

This is the one who wanted a piece of Drew. Look at the head on that thing! Somehow I don't think that electric fence would stop him if he got started.

This is the little inn there in town, we didn't stay there but it looked plumb cute. I wouldn't mind to go back sometime and stay there. Maybe ride a buffalo...haha

Drew was very happy to return to Paint Bank and I loved it's charm but I was ready for some wine tasting (and to get away from those darn buffalo).

We arrived at the Wilderness Adventure and it is just the neatest little place. For you Wise Countians it put me in the mind of Camp Bethel in some ways. We stayed in a cabin with several other couples (and when we arrived they were already several beers in) but they were the friendliest people. We met so many sweet people and of course the wine loosened us all up a bit. One of the ladies in our cabin was a caterer so she brought a cheese and fruit spread just for our little group. After we got to know everyone we headed over to the main lodge for dinner and the wine tasting.

The fire was so cozy and there was a cash bar set up before dinner. The tables were set up all around the room and it was such a nice place. The menu was amazing, thank God my picky eating days are behind me because I would have missed out on some amazing food.


The winery they featured was Chateau Morrisette which is in Floyd. The man that joined us from the winery was so nice and very understanding of our limited knowledge. I learned a lot and loved the little bit of Virginia wine history we got. Drew and I will definitely be making a trip out to their winery. These were our favorites and the ones we purchased.

After dinner we were able to hang around the lodge and get to know some of the other couples. I have not laughed that hard in a long time. Everyone was so friendly and I even met a guy who has ties to "the Pound" (so tickled that he called it that), small world. When we went back to our cabin they had built a fire outside. Drew played his guitar and David played his banjo and because most of the audience had been drinking since 4:00 they thought they were great.

We had such a good time, I loved the facility and we are discussing going back there for Drew's graduation party. The have zip-lining, canoes, hiking trails and lots to offer. We met some great people and hope they are all there when we got back next year. 

I'm even more convinced after this trip that I never want to leave Virginia. Oh yeah, did I mention we aren't going anywhere? We are so blessed for Drew to get an offer in Virginia and we are excited to find a house in the NRV. 

Jesus Never Fails

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