Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Cleverness of Terms like Singles Awareness Day....

Although I have spent few Valentine's Days as a single girl I have never particularly cared for the holiday. This is my first year as a married woman on Valentine's Day but I find it hard to be giddy for this heart-filled day. Drew and I have never done holiday gifts not even for Christmas. The extent of the holiday shopping I did today at Wal-Mart included Tide and Milk-Bones. I will stop short of going to the cliche' of "use all 365 days of the year to tell your significant other you love them, not just Valentine's day." Because I kind of think that's a cop out too. While Drew and I will not do gifts or anything terribly romantic we will go out for Indian food and probably catch a movie (but avoid The Vow and  see Safe House instead). I do love an excuse to go to a nice dinner and get dressed up but past that Valentine's Day means little to me.

I'm finding it even harder this year to enjoy this holiday that so many singles dread all year. There are just so many people hurting today that I can't get off of my mind. I feel as though there is a better way to spend a day that so many people place such an emphasis on. I wonder if Drew and I couldn't better spend our time with single friends who have been dreading this day or with friends who are suffering through long distance relationships (which we did for 4 years), or friends who are struggling in their relationships or whose relationships have recently ended. While I hate the term "singles awareness day" I suppose it is quite fitting. There are few things I hate more than feeling left out and I can imagine how people who are struggling today must feel when it seems that everyone around them is in a perfect relationship.

No relationship is perfect, mine included. Drew and I have been through more than I ever care to admit but as I will preach to the day that I die: You must be happy with yourself before you can be happy in a relationship. Drew and I could fall apart tomorrow (I am not one of these people who think it will never happen to me) and if we do I still have to live with myself. All that I can do in my relationship is work on me, if the other person chooses not to, I can't help that. So on Valentine's Day I encourage everyone to love yourself. You are important and you matter.

I realize I run the risk of sounding like an inspirational speaker but so many people, including myself, need to be reminded of this and what better day than today? May all of you have a day filled with love from God because His love will be a constant when other's love may fail.


Jesus Never Fails.

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