Drew accepted a job in Tazwell, Virginia with Caterpillar or CAT as I prefer to call it. For as long as I have known this boy he has talked of CAT and we both knew better than to pass up this amazing opportunity for him. This is a job we feel like he could keep for the rest of his life and it us such a great compay. He has worked his tail off for the past 5 years and we are pumped for his graduation. I'm already in the process of planning that shindig. Gotta love a good partay!
As far as the house goes, we knew we needed more space. Not us personally but our company (namely my sister and Drew's dad) liked to complain about the lack of guest quarters in our 1 bedroom apartment. We looked online for weeks but only saw 2 properties in person before deciding. I'm not one to continue to keep looking after finding what I like. It's a cute little house built in the '40's and we love it. Pictures to come...move in date May 2012 (can't wait to surprise our guests at Drew's graduation party that it's also a moving party, they will be thrilled!).
Now onto my boring life.....or is it? Of my own accord I have decided to undertake a pinterest challenge. It is easy to continue pinning day after day and never actually undertake the tasks you pin. Therefore beginning on Monday February 27 I am doing 30 days of pinterest, both recipes and diy projects. In some respects I hope to use it as an outreach to give some of my little goodies away to neighbors, friends, or strangers but in other ways its a way of making myself do some of the things I've wanted to do but have continually put off. I started out with the really lofty idea of 100 days, ha! I knew I would burn out. Then I went on to 60 but then I remembered we will be moving so I went with the realistic 30. Maybe next time I will up the ante a little. Any tips or pins you suggest would be greatly appreciated. Stay tuned!
I will be going home next week to spend some time with family and play caretaker with my mom for my grandmother and dad so once I return home, let the challenge begin! Until then I'll be choosing which pins I want to do and gathering supplies. I haven't had a real challenge since college so I'm looking forward to it. Bring it on!
Here is the link to my challenge board and the pins I'm considering so far: http://pinterest.com/meghanem1/challenge/ we will see how many of them change before I begin.
Jesus Never Fails.
Reminds me of Julie Powell's goal to cook all Julia Child's dishes in a year! Good luck!