Saturday, February 4, 2012

Getting My Stuff Together

My mother called me crude this week so I will try to keep the cursing to a minimum but just know what I wanted this title to be. I've spent a small fortune since I've started feeling crafty again ($100 at JoAnn's and $30 on junk out of the dollar bins at Michael's, $40 at Hobby Lobby) but for someone who is unemployed and married to a college student that's lotsa moola. So in the name of to started to take it more seriously I decided to create my own little "craft corner" (original I know but my husband thinks I made it up myself and loved it, nerd).

Drew has a desk he does his homework at (or more frequently plays StarCraft at, again I say nerd) and that is kind of our catch all room, where the futon (dog's bed) and the ironing board are. Since it's off to itself a bit I started piling all of my purchases in there.

Luckily Drew and I don't iron much, unless it's for church and then we end up just trying on 18 different outfits until we find one that doesn't HAVE to be ironed (but still probably should be).

I thought about taking over Drew's desk but I guess since he is in school it wouldn't be fair but then I had an epiphany. A couple of months ago Drew and my dad almost lost their religion while carrying an armoire up 3 flights of stairs to our apartment. My parents wanted to get rid of it and what is my apartment if not a thrift store haha. Deno and Drew were none too happy but Lisa was happy to be rid of it and I was happy to have a huge piece of furniture to take up a good portion of a really long (and undecorated) wall in my apartment. And so.....


And when I make a huge mess I can just close it off.

Oh and in case no one noticed I will tell on myself. I did not read a book this week, I have no great excuse I just didn't, however I could have read several while I waited in the doctor's office Tuesday had I had any with me. But it was totally worth the wait when my gyno called me a fashionista and listened intently as I described how I made my diy scarf.

Also I'm conducting an experiment and being mocked mercilessly by my husband. I wanted to see just how hungry birds here in the NRV really are so I am trying to feed them.......

You guessed it, the off brand frosted mini-wheats. So far I haven't seen any but my mom always says it will take the birds a few days to find the feed you put out so that's my excuse. I will keep you posted on my bird sightings.

1 comment:

  1. Your art nook is cool! I liked your comment that you and Drew try on outfits to find one that doesn't need to be ironed. I have to admit we still don't have an ironing board, but we do have an iron (it's still in the box). haha!
