Friday, November 2, 2012

Rather than blow up your newsfeed everyday...

I will condense thankful into one blog post. Don't get me wrong I have a lot to be thankful for but it probably isn't the kinds of things people are bragging about on facebook. 30 days hath November so here you have my 30 things.

  1. I'm thankful for Goodwill stuffed animals. (Ike plays with those more than any expensive toys we've ever bought.)
  2. I'm thankful for an imperfect husband. One who comes home and lashes out at me and then comes to me while I'm doing homework with hands extended to apologize.
  3. I'm thankful for grandmothers who tell me to shut-up and call me a fat ass. I'll let you guess which one was which.
  4. I'm thankful to have both Republican and Democrat blood running through me.
  5. I'm thankful for a crappy Econ. teacher. Having to sit through his class is building character for him and all of us. And it makes you appreciate the amazing teachers.
  6. I'm thankful for disagreements. I'm thankful that people don't agree with everything I say because then I can look at it from a different point of view.
  7. I'm thankful for being just an "okay" cook. Because that means we get to eat out more.
  8. I'm thankful that I don't have kids. I'm not ready for them and don't want them, yet.
  9. I'm thankful for a church that I love but also disagree with sometimes. It reminds me churches are made up of people and people aren't perfect.
  10. I'm thankful for loans. They have made me more responsible and have allowed me to go to grad school.
  11. I'm thankful that Drew makes less money than both of us thought he would. It's brought us closer and it forces us to trim the fat (unfortunately not on ourselves).
  12. I'm thankful that I've gained a little weight. I used to be judgemental and wonder how people could just be heavy. Now I know, it's very easy to do.
  13. I'm thankful for a teenage brother. One who doesn't have much to say to me and would rather play X-box. Because now I can appreciate how much he used to want to share with me. Those times were great but they aren't realistic for forever.
  14. I'm thankful for curse words. Sometimes there's really no other way to get your point across.
  15. I'm thankful for living away. My dependence on others has lessened and I'm okay with being by myself.
  16. I'm thankful for a mom who wanted to protect us from the world for so long.
  17. And I'm thankful for a mom who saw we would have to live in this world so she adjusted to teach us to love not hunker down and wait.
  18. I'm thankful for beer. It's good with pizza and it makes me say "mmm"
  19. I'm thankful that I don't have the money to go shopping. Because I don't really need anything.
  20. I'm thankful for having to eat out of my lap on Thanksgiving because that means there are plenty of people in the house.
  21. I'm thankful for being too busy for TV.
  22. I'm thankful for distance from friends. It makes those times together much sweeter and we can focus on the real "catching up" and not the gossip.
  23. I'm thankful to be a procrastinator, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this post right now.
  24. I'm thankful for small town roots and a college that taught me to see beyond them.
  25. And twitter. My twitter friends are pretty hilarious. They brighten my day.
  26. I'm thankful that my daddy worked so hard for us.  There are other good daddies out there besides coal miners. My daddy has worked with the hearing impaired, special needs kids, home bound students, and now prisoners. I believe he deserves a little respect too.
  27. I'm thankful for a sister who taught me to be different and okay with it.
  28. I'm thankful for coffee. Good, bad and in between. It wakes me up and makes me warm.
  29. I'm thankful for being raised to appreciate good music and corny jokes.
  30. And most of all I'm thankful that I finally know who Jesus is. Loving, caring, friend to sinners. And thankful that he's not who I tried to make him be all of those years: judgemental, elitist, Republican.

Drew hates it when people say "You aren't lucky, you're blessed." So I guess I'm pretty lucky.



  1. this made me laugh :) i always stalk your blog lol

  2. I love number 4. Your final thought was beautiful. Jesus is most definitely not a member of any political party. I have one to add...I'm thankful that I found your blog!

  3. Love your list Megs!! :) You "get" it. ;) I'm just skimming over those Nov. posts on facebook. =O Being thankful is an attitude...a lifestyle not a 30 day challenge. =P Love #20 the most!! I can just imagine...oh wait, I've done the same thing. :) You need to read One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp if you haven't and her blog is great too!! :) ~Gina
