Monday, February 27, 2012

Day One: Fabric Jars

Ready or not here it is. Day 1 of my pinterest challenge has been a success. I can only hope everyday goes this smoothly. This diy is a little messy but cute and easy.

The jars are still drying but when they dry I expect them to look a little less cloudy and of course I will trim off the tops when they dry. Here's a little how to:

What you'll need:
Glue (I used Tacky Glue)
Paint Brush

Choose the fabric you'll want to use first, the tutorial I followed intended for these jars to be candle holders but I doubt I will use mine for that so I didn't worry about the darkness of some of the fabric. However if you're going to want to use them for candles I would suggest the lighter colors.

Measure the height of your jar and cut your strips the that height, clearly I made mine longer just to be safe. The tutorial I followed suggested 1 cm. wide but I suspect mine were wider.

Dilute your glue with water and mix it up, dip the strips into the glue mixture and then place on the inside of the jar (with the patterned side touching the jar). Use the paint brush to straighten out the fabric and smooth out bubbles.

And there you have it, day one complete! I am tickled with how they turned out. I will post a pic with my post tomorrow with the trimmed up less cloudy jars. Enjoy!

Oh and here's the tutorial I followed:

And just for kicks and giggles I will try to give you all a little music selection to tickle your ears each day.

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