Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day Two: Bucket List

So far so good, day two has gone smoothly as well. I have always had a bucket list written in several of my notebooks but something about making it public makes it more real. That way people can call you out on it if you don't go through with it. haha

This is a 2 part diy. First I will go through the clothespins I used. I made what felt like 100 of these clothespins for my wedding but never ended up with any of them after the big day. And somehow my mom has a jar full in her kitchen....I digress. So I made more.

Getcha some:
Scrapbook Paper
Tacky Glue
And Scissors

Surely from here you can figure it out. Cut your paper to fit on the clothespin and glue it to that sucker.

I used the brown ink pad and went around the edges of some to age them a little but it's not necessary.

For the next part you'll need:

An empty frame
Twine or chicken wire
And a few dreams!

I found the frame for $1 at the YMCA thrift store and I believe the bucket came from the dollar tree where everything's $1. Letters are leftover wedding materials. I wish I had chicken wire on hand but I did not. I liked the look of it better but I wasn't sure where to purchase it so I improvised. I simply hot-glued the twine on both sides of the frame and let it dry.

Write down all of your bucket list items (5 of these are Drew's and 5 are mine, they're pretty easy to distinguish between). And clip them to your frame. Find a cute place in your house to hang them and place them into your bucket as you complete them and if you want to then just keep adding to it. It's a great way to keep your dreams in front of you so you don't forget to live them!

Clearly Drew plans to replace his before I replace mine because all of his could be done right here in the NRV. Mine, not so much. But have fun creating your bucket list!

And here's the jars fully dried from yesterday:

 Looking forward to day three so stay tuned! Here's your musical selection for the day:

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