Friday, February 24, 2012

Gearing Up For Greatness

Could I sound any more like some kind of cheesy salesman? Regardless, I do feel like I'm on the brink of something great. I'm very excited to start my pinterest challenge in a few days, I have found some really cool diy projects to attempt and my husband is pretty pumped about the recipes I've chosen to try. All in all it is shaping up to be a good time. I still lack projects for a couple of my days but I'm sure pinterest will not disappoint with posting more projects for me to tackle.

In the meantime I have been back home with my parents/grandmother (they live across the street from one another so it all feels pretty much the same). I very much enjoy being home and feeling like I live here again and getting to catch up with everyone. However, I miss my husband and my little town 3 hours up the road (and my fat white badonkadonk misses the tanning bed and jazzercise).

 But I have not been completely useless since I have been here (though my mamaw may argue otherwise). I finished Drew's graduation invites! Hooray! His graduation isn't until May but I knew I wanted to get them finished before I started my challenge Monday, so with a little help from my sister (Good Golly Miss Mollyy) they are now a finished product.

I was feeling pretty froggy when I came up with the idea for his invitations but it went much smoother and more quickly than I had originally thought.

If you have decent handwriting, a few dollars to spare at Michael's, and plenty of free time this is an easy project.

I bought all of these little pretties out of the $1 bins at Michael's, that's also where I purchased my pack of cardstock. I started by writing out the parts I didn't have stamps for in different types "fonts." If I had to do it all over again I would have stamped first but you know I like to do things the hard way. Therefore I ended up with some that did not have enough room for the stamps.

Then I added the stamps in, as you can see some of them were a tight squeeze but after handwriting them all, I didn't care that's how they will have to be: it's character. I took my green stamp pad and went around the edges of the cards to finish them off.

Then came the sister part, because she had all the paints (I didn't bring mine on this trip). She painted all of the VT's on the backs of the invitations and I did the polka dots (or hokie dots as my husband called them.

And VOILA! they are all done. So now you are all invited to Drew's graduation party, in fact only people who read my blog are invited, haha. But fo' real we love a good party and any of you willing to make the trek to Blacksburg come on down (been watching The Price is Right with mamaw all week).

Easy peasy invites, more appropriate for a kids birthday party you might say? Perhaps. But guess what my husband is as close as I plan to come to having a kid for a while so this is what he gets. I am tickled with them and hope everyone enjoys them! 

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