Wednesday, February 27, 2013


What do you do when you want to blog but have nothing to blog about? You go to the archives or you admit the screwed up attempts that didn't work out. Ergo, my failure on display.
I had originally planned to do a post on the birdie suet cupcakes I made a couple weeks ago. But after the birds turned their noses up at them I figured that would be a waste of time. Only after it snowed and I refused to put any seed out until they ate the cupcakes did they finally give in. So don't waste your time peeps, the picky birds don't appreciate homemade goods. But here's a pic of them anyway. Ikey boy stole 2 of them from the birdie stump and swallowed them whole. Bird seed and all, I'm still not sure he's pooped and it's been 2 weeks.
After the failure of the cupcakes I thought I'd do 'a day in the life' post like I've seen other bloggers do but I forgot to take pictures about halfway through the day. Here are a sad lot of pics of a half day in my life.


These could pretty much be any day: coffee, reading, Ike. Life is exciting here I tell ya. The fun things I forgot to take pics of were fro-yo, a movie and dinner with my honey. But these3 pictures are a more accurate portrayal of my real life.

So since the last post didn't happen either, my next thought was that I would do a WIWW (what I wore Wednesday, nothing to do with a world war which is what I usually think it means in my dyslexia). My friend Rachel and I went shopping at the Loft this weekend the first time I shopped anywhere besides Goodwill since July and I wore one of my new clearance sweaters today planning to post what I wore upon my return home. And this is what happened at breakfast:

Coffee, right down the front of it.

So here you have it, 3 failed blog post attempts in 1. That takes talent.
Please come back to this blog when it isn't lame. Maybe next year sometime or wait until it gets a new author.

I took a picture of myself first thing in the morning for my 'day in the life' post but had already decided not to post it. But now that you've read this far you deserve a treat:

Ever heard the phrase "rode hard and put up wet." I'd never used it to describe myself but I think I'll start. Thank God Drew leaves for work about an hour before I wake so he doesn't see me like this often.

1 comment:

  1. Haaa...I really think this is pretty awesome. I love when NOTHING I plan turns out right. And you used a horse phrase to describe yourself- very bold.
