Friday, February 22, 2013

Freely you have received, freely give

"I don't even know the last time I had a waffle." It was like a knife straight through my heart. The heart of a woman who fixes waffles for her little family (including her pooch) every Saturday morning.

When I asked one of them what they usually ate for breakfast he said "nothin'." I want to find them wherever they are this morning and fix them more warm waffles because that's all I know to do.

I don't know how to find them a job, to set them back up on their feet again so they can have a place to call their own. I don't have the ability to un-do whatever has happened to put them in this vulnerable situation.

They gave us marriage advice, told big tales, played cards, smoked, drank countless pots of coffee, and complained about the snorers in the group. Now a week later, after only one evening/night spent with them I wake up wondering if they're warm this morning. If someone maybe made them even a warm pop-tart. I wake up wishing for spring, because their lives will be simpler then. At least I hope so.

They impressed their faces upon my heart and I think of them often. But they've probably forgotten me. The lady whose husband hadn't bought her a Valentine's present which they all scolded him for. The lady who none of them could believe would stay all night with them. The lady who fixed them waffles. Maybe they don't remember me but hopefully they remember the waffles. Jesus was in those waffles. And I hope he stays with them, keeping them warm in this bitter cold today.

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