Wednesday, February 20, 2013

If These Walls Could Talk

After a nice big heavy post questioning our country's morals what better follow up than some pictures of the stuff dressing the walls of my house.....Glad you agree.

I'm no art collector. I'm a diy-er. And I come from diy-ers so that's what adorns these walls.

However, Drew and I bought 2 beautiful prints last year in the Bahamas, one of them is this little pretty:

The glare is intentional....because I can't do anything with it.


The other does not have a frame yet but it is my very favorite and this little nook is awaiting it's arrival:


Other "art" throughout our house:

Those are my little creations. The following were all gifts from family/friends:


And the miscellaneous portion:


I'm sure by this point you're all totally jealous of my iPhone's camera skills. I truly don't know what it's problem is but it gives pictures their own instagram filter free of charge.

The Virginia picture's little heart is in Pound. And you can order your very own from etsy by clicking this link.

P.S. I still have plenty of empty wall space if anyone would like to donate a piece of their own.

1 comment:

  1. I have a lot of reading to catch up on - I suppose that's what summer will be for... : )

    I was trying to find your email address on here, but I thought I'd just leave a comment. Thank you for thinking of me in my granny's passing. Your mom came up to me at the funeral and said you were thinking of me. Thank you :)

    Happy blogging and reading and learning and loving!

    ~ jade
